What a great time we had last weekend when Leonie Prins and her assistant, Anna, came to visit! Leonie and Anna live in Holland. They provide a great service to people throughout Europe who are interested in buying and importing Rocky Mountain Horses and Kentucky Mountain Horses from the United States.
We have had the pleasure of working with Leonie on quite a few shipments. She has a lovely mare, Docks Pretty Woman, in quarantine with us right now. It was really fun for us, helping Leonie and Pretty Woman get to know each other again - and getting to know each other better, as well.
We spent one day here at the ranch, visiting with horses and enjoying one of Terry's famous barbecue dinners. The next day was spent in my home town, San Antonio, where we introduced Leonie and Anna to Texas history at the Alamo, took a walk along the famous San Antonio River Walk and enjoyed great Tex-Mex food at Mi Tierra Restaurant. What fun we had! We were sad to see them go and hope that they come back to visit again soon.
If you are interested in learning more about Rocky Mountain or Kentucky Mountain Saddle horses, get in touch with Leonie. She will be glad to talk with you and answer any questions that you may have. Her email address is ljprins@solcon.nl.
We have a small guest house here at the ranch and we are always happy to welcome visitors from all over the world to come and stay with us for a while.
Last week my assistant Anna and I visited Terry and Dianne at EZ 2 spot ranch. I’ve imported several horses via their facility, and met Dianne once at the airport. Several times I tried to make plans to visit their farm, and finally last weekend was the time! I knew two things about EZ 2 spot: contact with them always runs flawlessly, and my horses always arrive in very good health. So you can imagine I was curious to find out where my horses spend their quarantine time!
ReplyDeleteWhen we arrived at EZ 2 spot, we found ourselves in a ranch that was full of love for the animals. No small or fancy gold plated stalls, but paddocks for every horse. Movable fences so they can fit the paddock to the horse. Bigger horses have the option to get bigger paddocks. The paddocks are big enough for the horses to walk around a bit, and they have lots of contact with their travel companions. They also get turned out every day!
All horses looked the same: calm and relaxed, like they are on a vacation. For me, this idea is very relaxing and comforting. The big trip the horses are up to, begins with a holiday that lasts at least a month. The ranch is quiet, not crowded and the horses are handled by more than competent horse people.
We found out Terry and Dianne are not only good with their horses, but also with their guests. We were treated like royalty. Terry prepared the greatest meals. They planned a really nice trip to San Antonio and we had nice conversations. It really felt like a holiday, learning from these amazing people, seeing the way they work and take care of all animals at their farm.
I would advise anyone thinking about importing a horse, to use EZ 2 Spot ranch for quarantine and shipment. I experienced myself how good the horses are treated, and that I couldn’t have any worries about the horses I ship with them. And this is a real precious knowledge!
Terry and Dianne, thanks so much for the great days we had, we will most certainly come back to you one day! And I hope, you will ship a whole lot more horses for me in the future.
Leonie Prins