
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

This Week's Shipment to Europe

We are delighted to report that a group of wonderful horses and one adorable mule arrived safely in Amsterdam this morning.  Many thanks to Friederike Gitzel, Petra Varnahova, Olivia Foley and her mother Lorraine, Toni  and Bjoern Kurzrock and Yvonne Kuebeler for choosing EZ 2 Spot Ranch as your quarantine facility.  It was a genuine pleasure working with each of you and with your animals.

Yvonne, it was great that you got to visit the ranch during Dandelion's quarantine.  For prospective exporters or importers, we want you to know that we are always happy to have you stop by for a visit during the quarantine period.  In order to maintain the quarantine protocol, we must follow certain security and sanitary measures - but we are always happy to arrange a visit for you.  In fact, we have a guest house that is available for visitors to use.  Just be sure to let us know when to expect you so we can reserve the guest house for you.

Speaking of visitors, it was wonderful having Quinten Wiersma visit the ranch for a week.  Thank you, Quinten, for flying as a groom on this trip for us.  We look forward to providing many more groom opportunities for you in the future.

Thanks also to Brian Carlisle for serving as a groom on this trip.  We appreciate your help and also look forward to offering you more opportunities in the future.

If you live in Europe and would like to come to Texas for a visit - to experience our culture, learn more about our business and help out at the ranch, let us know.  We always welcome volunteers!  And who knows - there might be a rodeo, a bull riding competition, a barbecue or a country/western music experience just waiting for you.

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